Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thanksgiving pictures

The beautiful christmas tree outside of the Hancock building. Every branch and twig had a light on it. It was gorgeous!!

Poor Robbie, got his head cut off. Here we are snugged into the carriage behind Gabriel our horse. He did a good job with all the impatient drivers.

Our driver was this girl who had a lot of tales to tell, and we weren't sure how much of it to believe.

Having fun on our carriage ride. Poor Mikey and Kathy's legs, they each had to have a half of my ass on their leg. They said the carriage would hold up to 6 adults...yeah, each side held 2 comfortably. We had fun though.

Wild and crazy in the back seat of the jeep on the way home from downtown. We were excited for the pizza pizza we were going to enjoy when we got back!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Reading my blog is like getting the female and better perspective of Mikey B's blog, so here we go... :)
So we went to Chicago to Mike's parents house. They live in Elmhurst in the western suburbs.
We got in Weds night around 12:30. The dog did great for the ride, as we thought she would since she loves "jeep" rides.
Thanksgiving morning was watching the annual Macy's parade on T.V. and planning out the day's menu and when this has to go in the oven, and when this has to come out of the oven, and so on and so on.....
Dinner was excellent per usual. Turkey, stuffin',taters, rolls that looked like buttcheeks (even though we did bring the camera, we forgot to take any pictures...DER!!!) Post dinner was hanging out, watching whatever was on T.V and preparing with the ads for Friday's shopping adventures.
Friday morning we (Jill, Kathy and I) were out the door by 8:15. First stop was Kohl's. We got some good deals on toys and baby outfits. I also got my christmas gift early from Bob and Kathy. The beautiful empire red, 5 quart, 10 speed Kitchenaid Artisan Mixer. It is soooo nice and I am going to love it forever and ever!! It was an unexpected surprise when Kathy said "go pick out the one you want"
We ended up going to WalMart and again we got some good earlybird specials on toys and DVDs. By the way, we were the minorities here, not that we minded, but I refreshed my spanish a little.
Next it was off to Portillo's restaurant. I suggest you eat here when you are in the Chicago area, it is delish!! Chicago dogs, chili cheese fries, italian beef sandwiches, malts that are chocolate cake flavored, yeah!!
Saturday consisted of more shopping, just Kathy and I. We went to Hobby Lobby (big craft supply store, puts Michaels to shame!) and we also went to the "outside" mall. We also made the boys jealous by eating some delicious snacks at White Castle.
Saturay night we headed down to Chicago. It was a blast. I have never seen so many people. The streets we littered with people. It drove Mike crazy, but it was fun to be a part of the massive post T-day crowds in downtown Chiago. We saw the 4 story Crate and Barrel store, the 3 story American girl doll store (YIKES!!), John Hancock Building, NikeTown etc...
We also went on a horse drawn carriage ride around town. Our driver was full of stories (i.e: her mom drove limo for Oprah for 17 years, her best friend dates David Blaine, she was at the Playboy Mansion for Halloween and met Hugh Hefner, blah blah blah)
We then went down to Millineum Park to see "the bean" Very cool.
Sunday we left for home, again the dog did great.
To see some pictures of our trip go to Mikey B's blog or you can log on to and type in boehnlein, Rob should have pictures up there soon.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Congrats to Zoey!!

She's our smart little girl. She won the puppy olympics and got the ribbon! She did pretty well for wearing her cap. She did want to eat it once it came off her head. We have more training in the future, we restart on the 2nd of January.

Here Zoey is asking Libby if she can see the popcorn hull that's stuck in the back of her throat. I think Libby responded in a smartass tone "Your breath smells like poo" and then Zoey got upset and chased after Libby saying "Yeah...your poo, you like that hairball?!"
Friday, November 03, 2006
Zoey Monster!!

I thought I would put an updated picture of our crazy child on here.
She's doing quite well in her dog classes. She's learning a bunch of things. Mike and I are striving for her to be Valedictorian of her class. Her only down falls are she jumps on people when excited (were working on that), she sometimes pulls on her leash ( that's a NO NO) and she doesn't do "lay down" without a treat. Other than that, she is doing very well. Graduation is this next Weds. So we will put up a "graduation" picture of her once we get one.
Memphis, TN 10/06

Coming into Memphis, TN. To the left you will see the Pyramid. They have concerts and such events there. It's kinda weird, you'd think you would only see that in Vegas.

Here is Elvis Presley's musical note on Beale St. in Memphis.

Hard Rock Cafe....the sweet potato fries were awesome!!

Carol and Pam infront of the fountain in the Peabody Hotel. They have ducks that basically live there. They feed them and roll out a red carpet for them twice a day so they can venture up the elevator to ride up to the penthouse swimming hole at the top of the hotel. Rooms start at $265/night.

Here we are outside of Graceland. We were disappointed. It cost $22/person just to see the house. Boooo!!!

Yeah...we signed the wall. I don't think Elvis will mind though.