Thursday, September 18, 2008


Damn it all!!!
My streak as been broken!
In all my 8 years in the field of veterinary medicine, I have never received a bite that sent my to the urgent care.
Well, this weds was the day.
This ancient chow/lab mix was in to be put to sleep. She was known for being a little pissy and aggressive.
So we were placing her IV catheter (which went smooth-thank you very much) and following that we wanted to take her picture. We send out a magnet for some of our clients as a memento for their pet.
Any who, so in the process of taking off her muzzle for her picture and then trying to get it back on to check her bleeding catheter out, she chomped down -quite hard- on my right hand, index finger.
Yeah.....that was a doozie!!!
So here I am, bandaged up, on antibiotics, doing pretty well I might say.
At least it wasn't my face!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Year Book Pix

Dad sporting the "business in the front, party in the back" hairstyle of the early 1990's!!!

Mom, looking curly and pearly in 1960!!

More Yearbook pix

Suzie, rockin' out the feathery hair in 1992!!
Jason, looking mighty spiffy in 1952!!

Yearbook cont.....

Me and my sweet, little flower posing in 1982. Man, did I love the Carpenters.
In 1990, I had major make up lines along my jawline. Not surprising since I am sporting blow dryer wings and curled (in both directions!) bangs!!

Winery Tour

Cannon River Winery in Cannon Falls. We tried 11 different wines here. It was converted from an old mechanic's shop. We picked up a few bottles.

Alexis Bailley Winery in Hastings. This is the oldest winery in MN. It was est. in 1973. We tried 9-10 different reds, white, ports and blushes.
We ate lunch here on the back porch that was covered with grape vines. We also picked up a few bottles from here.

We also went to the Falconer Winery in Red Wing. We tried a few here as well. No pictures though, Ma thought it was kind of "dumpy". The owner won a bunch of awards and gold medals for his wine. He works with the UofM with their R & D dept. in search for new grapes/wines.