Hey....it's Aimee!!
Yeah so I suck, I'll admit it, I'm not the greatest at remembering to blog.
Lots to update......so I'll make it short and pretty sweet tasting, like homemade caramels!!!
** I'm in my 2nd week of my new job. Love it! Love the nice commute (~8 mins) I have yet to get out on my bike, but I'm waiting for warmer weather. Love my schedule, love my fellow and very helpful co-workers. My boss is nice which is....nice!
** Our house smells and looks great thanks to the new carpet and wood floors. Love it all!]
Big shout out to Corey B for the help on the floors.....it's...nice!!
** Can't wait to start planting my flowers...once I get them of course. That will be a big chunk of change since flowers are not cheap unless you grow them yourself from seeds....can't do that without a greenhouse...Mike would not approve.
** I can't wait for camping. We have, so far, 2 trips planned. Memorial weekend and July camping in Bemedji. Yeah Haw!! Hopefully the dog will be a good camper.
** I am recently and helplessly devoted to Cookies and Cream ice cream....damn you Kemps!!
** The cat knocked over my porcelain angel that I got from my grandma during one of our new favorite shows "Thank God you're Here" Damn cat, should have left you out the other night.
Thank God it didn't land on the wood, instead it landed on the ever startling concrete by the front door and shattered onto the wood. Yikes....Mike pooped his pants a little!! (j/k hun)
** I love the show Medium.
** Still thinking about getting a new car even though I work less than 10 mins from home. Maybe a hybrid that I can plug in/gas up and feel good about because I won't be putting so much CO2 in the air. It's something I'm throwing around.
** Can't wait to have our summer garage sale. I'm thinking sometime in May when other Apple Valley neighborhoods are advertising their garage sales.....to be continued.....
** We broke down and got a storage unit just across the street. We already have lots of stuff over there. It's helps to get it out of the garage though. Now what about the boat?? (j/k hun)
Drawing a blank for now, or maybe I have ice cream on my mind.
I promise to be better about blogging. I better or I'll never hear the end of it from you know who..... That's right, Mr. Crabby!!

So is that the face Mike made after cracking his head on my lantern that's right behind him??
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