Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The guys drink beer after biking, I drink Gatorade.

Mikey, myself and Pete.

Hair do

What can I say except I like to goof around!!



Monday, September 10, 2007

In review....

Here we go....

I have joined in on a few Mtn. bike adventures with Mikey and Pete. They go everyday, ok, maybe that's just Mikey. But I have had a good time on those I have tagged along on.
A few places we have gone are: Harmon Park in IGH, Murphy Hanrehan in P.L. and the River Bottoms in Bloomington.
Harmon is a nice, easy course. Murphy is a little tougher, but offers up a lot of different terrain, which I like. And the R.B. are cool. Talk about big, old, beautiful trees. They are like the ones in the Lost Forty up north. You do have to keep in mind the mosquitoes are horrible!!!! So the best thing to do is KEEP GOING!!! Oh, and mud is fun, right Pete?? We only went in 5.3 miles to the raft. The small river it was on was too shallow, so we couldn't pass. So we headed back. Next time!! And next time we'll bring a damn camera!! Right guys?? =)

Going back a ways, Labor Day weekend consisted of 2 events for us. One was a bonfire night at my brother's and the other was James' Patio Party. We had a good time at both events. Played Hammerschlagen for the first time. Now all Mike can think about is getting a log. Oh boy!!

We stayed home that weekend because Mike was on call for work. I felt like a lazy ass, so I was strangely ready to go back to work. (you've heard it here people, I've lost my mind!) We did take a, what we are calling, a mini metro adventure to the Vermillion River Gorge in Hastings. It's a pretty neat little hike along the Vermillion River by the Con-Agra Mill and Vermillion Falls.
My brother-in-law Rob, jumped out of a plane for his 39th birthday, Sept 2nd. He said it was a blast and can now cross that off his "Things to do before I die" list. Way to go!!

We did not make it to the State Fair this year....big f$#king bummer! AND now there's talks that we won't make it to the Ren Fest either....what the F$#k???

We went to my old co-worker, Jackie's wedding this last weekend at Murphy's Landing in Shakopee. It was a beautiful day to start, then turned crappy, right before they walked down the aisle! But she and Matt looked gorgeous and better yet, I didn't have to talk or sit at dinner with my old boss. Ya know why? Because he ditched out...what a jerk! So Lisa and I danced like fools and partied until 10:15...yeah we know how to stay out late!

Oh I got my hair cut (we chopped off 4.5 inches) and colored it one shade lighter then my natural color....which is dark brownish. Suzie says it will fade fast and that my blonder highlights will show through as it does.