Yeah! Meteor Crater Natural Landmark outside of Flagstaff, AZ. A must see tourist trap!

Monument National Park in Southern Utah. We were drinving on the road that Forest Gump was running on when he decided that " I think I'm gonna go home now." It's amazing!

The Mexican Hat rock formation, where else but outside of Mexican Hat, Utah!!

This is the hotel that Chevy Chase, in the original Vacation movie, left a check for cash and took a hat from before driving off to go see Wally World. We didn't discover that until we got home from our vacation and saw it in the movie. It's pretty small inside, but has a great view of the Canyon.

The Cathedral Vortex in Sedona, AZ. One of many spiritual vortexes around the area.

Off Roading in the Coconino National Forest on the Broken Arrow Road in Sedona, AZ

Grand Canyon
Nice Pictures...looking at them makes me crave for a vacation.
We will get to see some of that slick rock again when we go to Moab. Can't wait!
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