Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Updates people! are just a few things....
***I've been painting like a crazy mad woman, as you may have been updated on Mikey's blog. I have so far painted the living room wall, the 2nd bathroom and our bedroom. Brown was a pain in the arse!! For some crazy reason the roller left behind what looked like "bubble" marks, so I had to do a 2nd coat. THEN, the tape came off and took some paint with it....ARGH!!! Had to touch that up with one of my craft brushes. It looks good though with the red wall. It makes the room look a little bit smaller but yet more cozy. I like it alot.
***Zoey graduated from school yet again tonight. And is currently being yelled at by daddy for probably chewing on something inappropriate-like her bed, DOH!!
***We have a sweet dog house/snow igloo on our patio you should come check out sometime. Hurry folks, the warm weather is just around the corner, that is until the 2nd coming of the STORM OF THE CENTURY tomorrow. Blah....I'll believe it when I see the 16-24 inches in our front yard from the first storm last weekend....yeah right!
***Speaking of last weekend, we got our new furniture. It is very nice and we love it. It's very comfy and cozy and brown and suede-like and smells new and goes well with the decor in the living room and the recliner is too big and is in the loft right now. It will be nice for rocking babies to sleep.....huh?
***Speaking of babies, have you tried Raising Cane's Chicken fingers? It is awesome, as you may have heard from Mikey who hates chicken fingers!! ( that's a joke ya'll)
***Happy National Eating Disorder Week.
***We have been replacing our old light fixtures with new ones that we got from Menards. Things are starting to look good around here...finally I say, after almost 3 years being here. Mike says "better late than never to earn a penny save a penny?!"
***We love, love, love the President's Day Sale commercial for Chevy and we love their need to have it extended to the end of the month.
***Haagen Dazs fat free Strawberry Sorbet is awesome.
***I've been thinking about a new job/new be continued.....
***We saw Pete and Anne's new house on Sat. It is so cute you guys. I hope your first night went ok and that you weren't too scared of the upstairs hidden door to the attic. Hopefully you christened the house with.......sweat.....from playing the Wii all night long!
***Mike and I are heading to The Myth nightclub tomorrow night for the Wolfmother concert. Should be a blast, I'm sure you'll get a report from Mike.
*** I can't wait for our new floors.....get ready Corey! :) The carpet is going to be history to make way for hardwood and hopefully very soon. I guess Ants love snowy days and new furniture too, because "THEY'RE BACK!!" Damn it all!
That's all for tonight and thanks for stopping by San Deago..... :)
***I've been painting like a crazy mad woman, as you may have been updated on Mikey's blog. I have so far painted the living room wall, the 2nd bathroom and our bedroom. Brown was a pain in the arse!! For some crazy reason the roller left behind what looked like "bubble" marks, so I had to do a 2nd coat. THEN, the tape came off and took some paint with it....ARGH!!! Had to touch that up with one of my craft brushes. It looks good though with the red wall. It makes the room look a little bit smaller but yet more cozy. I like it alot.
***Zoey graduated from school yet again tonight. And is currently being yelled at by daddy for probably chewing on something inappropriate-like her bed, DOH!!
***We have a sweet dog house/snow igloo on our patio you should come check out sometime. Hurry folks, the warm weather is just around the corner, that is until the 2nd coming of the STORM OF THE CENTURY tomorrow. Blah....I'll believe it when I see the 16-24 inches in our front yard from the first storm last weekend....yeah right!
***Speaking of last weekend, we got our new furniture. It is very nice and we love it. It's very comfy and cozy and brown and suede-like and smells new and goes well with the decor in the living room and the recliner is too big and is in the loft right now. It will be nice for rocking babies to sleep.....huh?
***Speaking of babies, have you tried Raising Cane's Chicken fingers? It is awesome, as you may have heard from Mikey who hates chicken fingers!! ( that's a joke ya'll)
***Happy National Eating Disorder Week.
***We have been replacing our old light fixtures with new ones that we got from Menards. Things are starting to look good around here...finally I say, after almost 3 years being here. Mike says "better late than never to earn a penny save a penny?!"
***We love, love, love the President's Day Sale commercial for Chevy and we love their need to have it extended to the end of the month.
***Haagen Dazs fat free Strawberry Sorbet is awesome.
***I've been thinking about a new job/new be continued.....
***We saw Pete and Anne's new house on Sat. It is so cute you guys. I hope your first night went ok and that you weren't too scared of the upstairs hidden door to the attic. Hopefully you christened the house with.......sweat.....from playing the Wii all night long!
***Mike and I are heading to The Myth nightclub tomorrow night for the Wolfmother concert. Should be a blast, I'm sure you'll get a report from Mike.
*** I can't wait for our new floors.....get ready Corey! :) The carpet is going to be history to make way for hardwood and hopefully very soon. I guess Ants love snowy days and new furniture too, because "THEY'RE BACK!!" Damn it all!
That's all for tonight and thanks for stopping by San Deago..... :)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Another Room....
Well, I have been on the painting bandwagon now for the past two weekends. I have successfully painted yet another room. The small bathroom said goodbye to the sun & moon wall paper border and hello to a fresh coat of vibrant yellow. It is " knock your socks off" yellow. It's perty!! Through out the day I would emerge from the bathroom for a diet mt. dew break and everything around me looked so dull. Then my eyes would adjust and everything was ok.
Anywho, next up for painting is the upstairs bathroom. We haven't decided on a color yet. It's between doing an accent wall (maybe the wall with our vanity/toliet/over the john) of a soft, natural green and painting the other walls with a neutral tan or doing green all through out.
Stay tuned........
Saturday, February 17, 2007
New Furniture!!!

We get it all next saturday from schneidermans.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Some Updated News
Hey everyone...
I know that many of you may have been checking in to see if I have updated my blog and I have sadly disappointed a lot of you, and myself for that matter....I think I have even caught myself a few times checking in to see if my own blog was updated.....DER!!!
Anywho...alot of things have happened, I don't remember all of them, but here are a few I can recall so sit back and enjoy!
* I have been scrapbooking the hell out of my wedding pictures. I have although taken a small break to refuel my creative energies. I will however be back on the "wagon" on the 25th when I meet up with my sis-in-law and her sister and sis-in -law. So until then my dear scrapbook, rest up!
* We restarted training with Zoey. She's so smart, you wouldn't think that is the case by witnessing her act like a crazy, overly happy, kiss you in the mouth at the right time, loopy pup. But, she is ahead of schedule and we are working hard on our weekly homework to get her in tip top shape for her Tuesday night classes.
* Mike and I have put together a "to do list" for the house. For example: looking for bedroom furniture, new window treatments, possible wood floors, tile for the bathroom and the backsplash in kitchen and ....
* PAINTING. I finished the primer tonight for the living room accent wall. I will be finishing it tomorrow morning. It will be a sweet color, it's name is Bonfire. Ummmmm........ We are also going to be repainting the upstairs bathroom and refreshing the yellow in the downstairs bathroom. I'm excited.
* My Great Aunt Helen just turned 90!! You go Helen!!
* Grey's anatomy is an excellent show for those of you who don't already know that. It started a 3 part storyline this week with a cruiseliner that crashed and flipped over a ferryboat in very dense fog. The show is based in Seattle. It is McAwesome! <-----Nerdy, I know!
* Got 2 pair of nice pants at the REI 50% off Clearance sale for a total of 30.00. The pants were normally $56.00 a piece. Very nice, very....nice!!
* I am not surprised about the recent loss of our nations icon, Anna Nicole.....yeah, right! But I am very sad for her little girl who has no idea who her daddy is. Now that's sad. My thought is, if that little girl is worth as much as they say ( 454 million--which I think is still pending anyway) I think all of our guy friends should come out and atleast give it a shot to say they could be the daddy too! Who could happen, just like the powerball.
* I'm excited for the Grammy's...I have no idea why. I'm not routing for anyone in particular, but I always like to watch for the fashion and stupid things people say in their acceptance speeches. ( famous presenter line: " Do you like my body?" RIP Anna)
Aimee Out!!
Gotta watch SNL